Tenancy Management Support

Tenancy Management 

Welcome to the Mentoring Academy: Empowering Sustainable Tenancies

   At the Mentoring Academy, we are dedicated to creating positive change within our community by fostering stable housing and promoting sustainable tenancies.

Mentoring Academy is committed to creating positive change within our community. Our primary focus lies in fostering stable housing and promoting sustainable tenancies for individuals who have been involved in the criminal justice system. We believe that a stable home is a cornerstone of successful reintegration, and our mission is to equip individuals with the tools they need to thrive.

   Through strategic collaborations with local housing associations, we offer comprehensive tenancy management support that goes beyond the conventional, ensuring a holistic approach that uplifts individuals in their journey towards housing stability.

Tenancy Management Support

Comprehensive Tenancy Management Solutions

Our tenancy management support is designed to equip individuals with the skills and confidence they need to successfully manage their tenancies. We offer a range of services, including:

Engaging workshops that cover budgeting, rent payment, and understanding tenancy agreements.

One-on-one guidance tailored to individual needs, ensuring tenants understand their rights and responsibilities.


Expert financial coaching to develop responsible money management skills.

Enhancing communication skills for positive interactions with landlords and neighbours.

Holistic Approach for Sustainable Tenancy

   We believe that housing stability is interwoven with various aspects of an individual's life.

Our holistic approach encompasses.

Supporting access to education and employment opportunities for stable income.

     Addressing mental health challenges to ensure overall well-being.

     Connecting individuals with resources for overcoming challenges.

     Encouraging active involvement for a sense of belonging.

     Empowering individuals with skills for resilience and growth.

Collaboration with Local Housing Associations


Powerful Collaborations for Lasting Impact

We are proud to collaborate closely with local housing associations to deliver our services effectively. Together, we ensure that our nominals receive well-rounded support that addresses their unique circumstances and challenges.

By working hand-in-hand, we're not only helping individuals maintain their tenancies but also creating a positive ripple effect within our community.

Reach out to us to explore partnership opportunities, volunteer engagement, or to learn more about our work. Your involvement could be the catalyst for positive transformation within our community.

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